3 Reasons to Enjoy Valentine’s Day & Leave the Cleaning to Us!

New Years is long gone and Valentine’s Day is coming quickly.  We’re sick of the snow and the early hours of darkness but there is one day to look forward to: a special date night with your Love!

But first, you need a gift!  A card?  Too cliché.  A box of chocolates?  It might be better but what about those recent New Year’s Resolutions?  How about a Professional House Cleaning Service!  The two of you can stay cozied up in your pristine living space, free from the worry of chores and cleaning.  Of course, candies and calla lilies will be appreciated but few things compare to the gift of a warm, clean place to enjoy with a loved one.

  • House Cleaning Services is a gift that keeps on giving.

Hiring a cleaning service like FJC Cleaning Services is a perfect Valentine’s Day gone right.  With their efficient, courteous, environmentally friendly cleaning materials, and unparalleled work ethic, you’ll realized it was the best connection you ever made!

  • Your House Cleaning Service won’t intrude on your personal life.

A great cleaning service should be flexible and work around your schedule.  When you’re busy and you need an extra-special touch up before spending the day with your loved one or family, your professional house cleaning service will be there.

  •  Your House Cleaning Service is sweet on the environment all year round.

A great house cleaning service like FJC Cleaning Services keeps your home as well as the environment clean.  Using the latest and most trusted green cleaning products and solutions keeps your home shining and ensures that the earth and environment are not harmed in the process!

Blog written by: Suzanne M. MacNeil

5 New Years Resolutions for Your Home

Every year, when January approaches, you make resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, save money, spend more time with family, and so forth.  Have you considered making any resolutions for your home?

Since most people are craving a fresh start with the New Year, we at FJC Cleaning Services have come up with 5 New Year’s Resolutions for your home!

1)  De-clutter.

Each year we acquire more “stuff” than the previous year.  Where does your old stuff go to make room for the new stuff?  Experts say that clutter can make your home appear dirty and even dated.  This year resolve to periodically go through each room, removing anything you do not use, and donate it to a local charity.

2)  Stay safe.

There are a few things every homeowner should do periodically to ensure the safety of their home.
a) Make sure each floor of your home has functioning carbon monoxide detectors in addition to smoke detectors.  Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas which can be toxic to people.
b) Check your dryer vents for lint build-up.  Everyone who owns a dryer knows to check the lint trap inside the dryer door but most people neglect to clean the ducts and vents behind the dryer.  Lint can be highly combustible and accounts for nearly 15,000 building fires per year, according to the United States Fire Administration.
c) Check to make sure your bathrooms and attics are vented to the outside.  Not having vents can lead to build up of mold.
d) If your home was built before 1978, test for lead paint and asbestos flooring. If you find you have lead paint or asbestos, make sure it is handled properly during removal. Particles may be released into the air which may be ingested and could be detrimental to your health.

3)  Save on your bills.

The best way to save on your bills is to cut your energy usage.  Switch off the lights when leaving a room, turn the air conditioner off when leaving the house or turn your heat down to 55 degrees at night, install energy saving, low-impact light bulbs, install low-flow showerheads, use a clothesline to start drying some of your clothes, set your computer to go into sleep mode when not in use, turn off power strips when not in use, wait for your dishwasher to be full before running it, and water your yard less.

4)  Have a weekly cleaning system.

Here are a few daily and weekly tips to keep your house neat and the mess under control.
a) Put dishes into the dishwasher every night, no excuses!  If you do not have a dishwasher, wash your dishes after every meal to avoid them building up in the sink.
b) Put dirty clothes into the hamper right after being removed.
c) Jackets are hung in the closet immediately upon removal.
d) Clean clothes are put away and hung in closets immediately after drying.

a) Keep all of your cleaners and spare cleaning cloths in a portable carry-all that can move with you from room to room.
b) Wear a builder’s apron as you clean where you can keep your cleaning tools (sponge, clothes, toothbrush, scraper, etc.).  You can hook your glass cleaner and all-purpose cleaning spray in the loops to keep your hands free.
c) Work each room in a clockwise direction, cleaning from high to low.
d) Focus on one type of cleaning at a time.
e) For optimum efficiency, have a cleaning service, like FJC Cleaning Services, come in weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly to give you more time to enjoy your weekends and time with your family.

5)  Have your place ready to entertain.

Every year we resolve to spend more time with family and friends.  You are more apt to invite others over when you have a space to entertain in!  Give your space a fresh update by adding some plants or adding a new accent color to your existing décor.  Pick an underused color in the room and add more of it in the form of a new throw pillow or accent rug.  Also, take the time to re-arrange your furniture so that it is conducive to conversation rather than just facing a television screen.

Blog written by: Suzanne M. MacNeil